

our Logistics Services

CarryBages Logistics offers procurement, warehouse, production, transport, outbound and disposal logistics services, customized to the needs of our customers and their whole supply chain. CarrBages Logistics field of activity begins at the end of the production process with production-related services and ends with the delivery to the recipient. All steps between these like warehousing, commissioning, production-related services, and administration are included. We also handle procurement logistics, parts of the supply management based on framework contracts with the suppliers, spare parts distribution for service technicians all over India as well as elements of disposal logistics.


CarryBages Logistics more and more involves itself in the order processing of its customers to generate cost, time and labor benefits. For example, all orders can be taken by our assignment-call-center via phone, fax, email, and Internet.

IT-Service and Supply-Chain-Management (SCM)

We always keep you up-to-date. We guarantee permanent information flow for all persons involved in the IT-process by connecting with the customer-specific
electronic data processing systems. We offer support and consulting for planning and execution of our joint processes. We use either our customer´s ERP-system (Enterprise-Resource-Planning) as integral part of the supply chain, or offer the use of our in-house systems.

CarryBages Logistic Web-Order

Our web-order system manages all transportation movements from dispatch to handover. The ERP-system can generate a link that provides all necessary information
to answer, for instance, a request for a delivery or transport status update.

This tool processes and monitors transport orders outside of the ERP-system. Especially the supplier´s transport applications can be monitored by the customer.
Tracking & Tracing
Our online tracking and tracing toll provides you with up-to-date information about the delivery status and a complete shipment history.

Transport Logistics

Our logistics products – the network of all transport carriers – and our electronically controlled services guarantee a smooth execution. Your goods will reach their
destination without incident and you will be able to follow them every step of the way.

Procurement logistics
It deals with all logistic tasks concerning the flow of good´s
preparation, execution, and monitoring from supplier to recipient.

Outbound logistics
It is the last part of the supply chain ensuring the delivery of the
finished ware to the various markets.

Logistic Consulting

In order to stay competitive an effective supply chain, which adapts the flow of goods and distribution to the ever changing conditions is essential. CarryBages Logistics analyzes your specific need and offers a customized concept that will shape and optimize the logistic services needed. This will result in a clear budget calculation and an effective service for you.

Value Added Services

With us, your wares are in good hands. In addition to transportation services and professional ware-housing, we offer a variety of value added services: Tracking, Loading and Unloading Process Tracking – we can take care of your good´s final processing. The links to your EDP systems enable you to keep track of everything. Our customized logistics concepts will raise your productivity and efficiency.